Mindfulness & භාවනා

for a happy life style


Educational videos, Webinars and Online-courses for all levels. 


Learn more about Mindfulness & භාවනා

Kindness Code Academy

 Online Courses

The one you like best is the best choice for you. 


Kindness Code Basic Package 

Master meditation and mindfulness by living a simple Buddhist life: Stress-free, progressive, happy, and kind. (Free) 

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Kindness Code Advance Package 

Start learning meditation step by step. Self learning with guided videos: mindfulness, meditation, Stress release, and many more (5.99£).

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Learn how to meditate in 21 days

Get the most out of your meditation passion by turning it into daily practice. Personally guided by Dr Harsha Liyanage (25£)

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Free session 

Call me, if you wish to discuss your question, and find out how these courses can help you. 

Free session

Examination booster 

This course is very popular among those who prepare for examinations O/L, A/L, University etc.

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Managing work-life balance

Enhance productivity by combining Buddhist principles with popular management models. (25£)

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Start your Mindfulnes භාවනා journey here

Start with a free counselling session or dive straight into භාවනා Masterclass. You can explore the benefits of being a member of community of meditators then take your practice to the ultimate level with a home-retreat.  


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May the Triple Gem Bless you! 

Hi, I'm Dr Harsha Liyanage

It is my mission to help busy professionals live a healthy & balanced life through mindfulness and meditation. I am here to share the lessons learned in my pursuit of meditation practice over 30 years. The meditation practice I developed came from a monastic meditation master (Rev. Hungama Gunasena) who lived in deep rain forests in Sri Lanka. In my journeys around the world (over 60 countries) serving diverse communities, I have seen the common language of kindness. Kindness brings us together. More importantly, kindness brings happiness, health, and well-being to you and the world around you. Kindness Code is a three-step guide to harness the power of kindness, adopting it with mindfulness and meditation, to transform you into a better person while being happier and productive. Ignite kindness – Light up and Radiate to the world around you.

LinkedIn Profile: Harsha Liyanage

Read my story

"Dr Harsha's coaching has greatly benefited me. Currently, I am a happy family man and work from home for a US-based company. I no longer feel the pressure of time zones. Having a great time with my family. While feeling that I am living a spiritual life in a busy world. "

- Buddhika

"Last year, I was 49. All this time I was in search for right meditation master. Thanks to Harsha, I’m now a regular meditator."

- Pradeep

"From buried in stress to living the life of my dreams, Thank you, Harsha!"

- Adam
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